Bastion Point Construction Update - September 2022


We are pleased to announce that work onsite at Bastion Point is continuing to gain momentum.

Off site and with warranties in place, we are proud to announce that the main contract has been awarded to our trusted partner Abrey Construction, who have a history of delivering successful schemes within our current portfolio.

On site, piling works are now complete with works being carried out by specialist contractor Van Elle. Piles were augered to an average depth of 26m and completed within a 10 day period. They are currently carrying out pile integrity testing as part of their quality procedures, the results of which will be shared with Advantage, our chosen warranty provider and Assent Building Control.

This has created a huge spoil heap of inert waste, which has been subsequently removed by our licenced waste carrier.

Currently, our groundworks contractor is carrying out the reduced level dig, in order to crop piles at the correct level set by our structural engineer.

Once this exercise is complete, we will be forming the ground beam, connecting the piles together which forms the building foundation.

All the above is well underway, whilst the archaeological experts are carrying out a watching brief.

This will be promptly followed by the internal drainage and road connections, whilst forming the ground and first floor concrete frame to form the parking area - after which the main frame construction can commence.

We are currently in negotiation and close to going to contract with a specialist steel formed section (SFS) erector who will form external/internal structural walls and roof.

We are proud to announce that all is on programme for our projected completion of Q3 2023.

Exciting times ahead for all involved, we will continue to keep you informed with regular updates and images.


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